Nathan Volke: Steuart Pittman’s budget increases just keep on coming | COMMENTARY
The Capital, June 13, 2021
“You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” As our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, noted, there is a limit to how many times you can pull the wool over people’s eyes. In year three of his administration, County Executive Steuart Pittman is testing those limits in the latest attempt to spin his proposed budget into a fiscally responsible masterwork. Spoiler alert: it’s not."
Our Say: With the end of COVID state of emergency in Anne Arundel, it’s time to review the law that authorized it | COMMENTARY
The Capital, June 10, 2021
“It is notable that an agreement to end the executive’s pandemic powers was reached once Pittman and Councilman Nathan Volke agreed to keep special privileges for outdoor dining through the fall, an attempt to help the businesses recoup some of the money lost during the pandemic. Volke has been the council’s strongest critic of Pittman’s actions during the pandemic, repeatedly and unsuccessfully trying to convince his colleagues to pass legislation ending the state of emergency. There is no parallel to the ways these powers were used. Volke and others argued that stretching them out more than a year went way beyond the intent of the County Charter that authorizes their use. No one had envisioned anything that might make them needed for so long."
Anne Arundel council condemns Capitol insurrection despite split Republican vote
The Capital, February 1, 2021
“Anne Arundel County Council Republicans were split Monday night on a resolution to condemn the Jan. 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol, after an amendment that would have removed language that called for the disqualification of President Donald Trump from holding office again failed. Councilwoman Jessica Haire, R-Edgewater supported the resolution. Councilwoman Amanda Fiedler, R-Arnold, who sponsored the failed amendment, abstained. Councilman Nathan Volke, R-Pasadena, voted against the resolution."
Nathan Volke: 287(g) is a public safety program that works. Anne Arundel should keep it.
The Capital, January 19, 2019
“In short, my investigation reveals that without 287(g), there are significant gaps in the ability of our detention facilities to effectively identify and notify ICE of individuals in the United States without lawful status who have committed crimes in our community. The administration disagrees. The highly trained DIOs who work in our detention facilities agree with me."
Fellow Conservatives --
Will you help us and secure the future of our county? Nathan Volke has been the most effective and most conservative leader on the County Council during his tenure. He’s not a career politician and he’s proven he gets things done without compromising on his principles. He will always put Anne Arundel County first. If you agree, will you join me and other county leaders in the fight to take back Anne Arundel County as a member of the Exploratory Committee?
Members of the committee will be invited to insider meetings with Nathan, me, and our campaign team and receive other exclusive campaign updates.
We need your support - join us today!
~ Faith Loudon