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“Serving the community where I grew up for the last three years has truly been a privilege. Raising my family in Anne Arundel County, it is important that we protect our community from special interests and those who do not share our values. If elected, I will continue to advocate and fight to make our community stronger.”
Taxes & Regulation

Working in a small business, I have seen first-hand what happens when government adds new fees and regulations. That’s why I want to keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket. Since I was elected in 2018, I have voted against every new tax and regulation that would hurt small businesses and limit new jobs. I voted against the current County Executive when he passed the largest income and property tax increases in decades, when he passed a 14% increase in the solid waste fee, when he passed the Rain Tax 2.0 and when he banned polystyrene (Styrofoam) products in our county. I will continue to work to decrease the burdens of excessive taxation and regulation in Anne Arundel County. 

Illegal Immigration

In 2019, I led the fight to keep the successful immigration screening program - 287g. That program screened inmates who had been arrested and charged with a crime to determine their immigration status, and was administered by highly trained Detention Officers in our corrections facilities. My record is clear that I fully support legal immigrants who follow the rules. However, I oppose illegal immigration and any policies that make Maryland attractive to illegal immigrants (a.k.a. "sanctuary state" for illegal immigrants). The way to stop illegal immigration is to remove incentives.


Parents and teachers are the best people to decide how to educate their students and children, not bureaucrats in Washington or Annapolis. These decisions should be made by people who live, work and send their kids to school in Anne Arundel County. I will work with our new elected school board to ensure our money stays in the classroom, spent on students, where it belongs.

Public Safety, Crime & Drugs

We've seen a spike in crime in our communities, and it is being fueled by the constant attacks on law enforcement officers at all levels as well as greater mental health needs in our citizens. In 2020, I passed Resolution 2-20 that declared suicide a public health crisis and Resolution 47-20 that sought to oppose efforts to de-legitimize law enforcement officers (however, that provision was amended out by other members on the County Council). I will continue to ensure public safety officials have the resources they need to protect us.

COVID & Reopening

In 2020, I repeatedly brought legislation to the County Council to end the State of Emergency in Anne Arundel County. I vocally fought for reopening schools, churches, restaurants & bars, and businesses. In June 2021, I successfully negotiated a compromise to end the State of Emergency and ensure continued outdoor dining protections for restaurants for the remainder of 2021.

Development & Building

Our county has seen too much new development in the past few years. Our roads are crowded. Our classrooms are packed. We need to ensure that all new development will improve, not detract from, the lives of those of us already living here. It was these concerns that led me to vote against the General Development Plan in 2021, the once-every-decade plan that directs growth. I felt there was no plan - it was just more of the same unchecked, unplanned growth for our county and I could not support it. I will continue to carefully review any development proposals to ensure we are protecting the character of our community and the quality of life of our citizens. 

Government Efficiency & Spending

I have voted on 3 budgets and each time voted "no" because of the out-of-control spending in each. As I explained in an Editorial, spending has outpaced income growth and will lead to more tax increases. I also led the fight to pass Resolution 36-19 that added to the Anne Arundel County Charter additional power for the County Auditor to investigate waste, fraud and abuse.

Right to Life

Though it does not come up much in county-level policy, you deserve to know where I stand on this issue. As a Christian,  I believe all life is precious and ordained by God. I am pro-life.


Our community is blessed to have so many amazing natural resources.  Having voted for Bill 68-19, which created the strongest forest conservation laws in the State of Maryland, I believe we must be good stewards of these resources. I will continued to work to find effective ways to protect the Chesapeake Bay as well as our forests and waterways. 

Second Amendment

As a law-abiding citizen, you have a constitutional right to own a firearm. As a legal owner of a firearm, I believe in protecting the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution and strongly support your right to keep and bear arms.

Disqualifying President Trump from Holding Political Office...Ever

On February 1, 2021, the County Council voted on a Resolution that said President Donald J. Trump should be permanently disqualified by Congress from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States or any State...ever again. The full text of the Resolution is here. The vote log is below.

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Nathan was the only Republican on the County Council to vote against permanently disqualifying President Trump from holding office again.
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